For People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos, impact is measured by participants' development in four domains: literacy, personal development, intellectual development, and intersubjective development.
The students were more interested in reading as a result of People & Stories…[they] would often engage in conversation beyond the session about what was read.”
— Academic Success Director, Hopeworks ‘N Camden
Perhaps the most concrete sign of the program’s effectiveness I have seen is that after participating in People & Stories our residents are better able to participate in other parts of our program and they have a higher performance rate than those who did not.”
— Director, Bo Robinson Assessment and Treatment Center, Trenton
P&S/GyC program assessments developed in partnership with Harvard University
The critical thinking strategies that People & Stories teaches have aided in our members passing the reading and writing component of the GED exam.”
— Former Director, NJ Youth Corps of Trenton
This program is not like their [inmates’] regular programming…it gives the residents a means of communicating.”
— GED Teacher, Bo Robinson Education and Treatment Center, Trenton