The people behind
People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos


Debra Lampert-Rudman, M.Ed.

Executive Director

Board of Trustees

Charles Busuttil

Acting Board Chair

Michael Aaron


Sumanth Munipalli

Coordinator Anndee Hochman describes a magical moment experienced during one of the sessions she leads with a senior group.

Pat Andres

Christine Coggeshall

Darcy Donahue

Scott Feifer

Liz Fernandez

Ellie Fisher

Charlotte Friedman

Gail Gendler

Cindy Gordon

Anndee Hochman

Shara Hofing

Virginia Kerr

Teresa Leary

Mu-Hsi Kao Lee

Alesandra Mares

Ana Mejia Guillon

Maria Saiz

Deborah Salmon

Marcy Schwartz

Jane Scott

Pat Smith

Elena Uribe


Lynne Fagles

Margaret Griffin

Claire Jacobus *

Anne Seltzer

Georgia Whidden

Emeritae Board Members

*We remember