Seen above are some members of our Board of Trustees, staff and panelists of our most recent benefit “Notable Words/Palabras Notables”

Since 1972, People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos has been connecting lives to literature through vibrant reading and discussion programs in diverse settings, including residential treatment facilities, prisons and reentry centers, homeless shelters, adult education programs, libraries, and senior residences. 

People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code


We at People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos (P&S/GyC) recognize that a public commitment to equity is crucial to both our own growth and that of the broader arts and culture ecosystem. It is our hope that by addressing racial inequity in our community, we will create a space in which participants of any and all identities feel welcome.

We commit ourselves programmatically to:

• Support more historically marginalized voices and highlight their stories.

• Build a diverse, intergenerational audience for literature.

• Create equitable access to our programs.

We commit ourselves administratively to:

• Create a diverse staff, board, and volunteer base.

• Apply the best practices and tools to ensure that the organizational systems are equitable.

In all of the above, we strive to work with humility and in collaboration with others to be adaptable and responsive, and to better accomplish these important goals. We are committed to a sustainable literary future for all audiences.

Quick FAQ’s About People & Stories/Gente y Cuentos

People & Stories / Gente y Cuentos is funded in part by: